Sunday, October 13, 2024

Exercise and Depression

 I considered  separate posts on each of the above topics but my goal since my 2024 update is to encourage my reader to be more active. In other words read then close the computer or phone and move your body.

Be more aware of what you SEE... more in what you are being TOLD. Then consider what stage your aging process is at. There are many well documented scientific facts on how aging affects the body.

For myself, I know I need more protein, and for me is a known fact that I have lost muscle mass with age. Do I worry now about weight gain as I did when younger? No. I make better dietary choices focusing on protein as I need a lot more protein with aging now yet have a decreased appetite.  

In the many different moves I stated in the updated 2024 post, I did not always lift weights. I always did some walking but not enough. Move. MOVE the body. This is probably the one statement that is the most important. The second is LIFT WEIGHTS. 

In the past I read and tried different dietary advice and chose so many different programs for exercise. Back then it was a period of so much being advised because of wanting to look a certain way.  Now I know better and make choices for an aging body. The surprising thing is with the choices I did make since becoming 50 I now get comments I look 20 years younger than my 75 years. 

The one comment I end any consultation with when recommending products is that what you put on the end of your fork is seen on your skin. Choose wisely.

It took me three years to be the competition lifter I now am. In the gym I lift weights with women over 80 years old. They began with 3 pound weights. It's important at our age to have a very competent trainer who watches the amount you lift and increases that weight as you progress.

I don't know what the years I have left will bring but I do know that is not only known to Jesus but is also up to me now more than ever. I will be more aware of what I SEE...obesity and disease that were once only attributed to the older population  are now seen in our children at younger ages. 

So now I question what I have been TOLD through many years. One being I don't need aggressive heart pounding exercise for 20 minutes or more as I once did. Not at this age and not for me. Try a great set of squats giving you strength and ability to get up from chairs or a good gym session of weight training. You will feel the heart pounding effects that not only strengthen the heart but avoid loss of muscle.

 Another very well known symptom of the aging process is depression. Exercise helps. Especially weight lifting!

God Bless and ❤️  Norma Jean


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