Sunday, October 20, 2024


Yesterday I had a weight lifting competition where I ran into a former lifter I had not seen in three years. Back then I would often hear him speak about the ketogenic diet which has grown in popularity and I wanted to know if he still followed the diet. He sure does eating mostly organic red meats.

As he spoke to others who were now beginning to listen to him, I heard him begin to speak about anti- nutrients. When he finished, I asked him if he knew his blood type. It was type O.  And there it was! I looked at him and said, "Just as I thought." Then I asked him if he knew about lectins, and he did for lectins are one of the anti-nutrients he was talking about.
Lectins affect each blood type and this is why many years ago when I read a book called Eat for your Blood Type by Peter J D'Adamo, I started to avoid foods with lectins wrong for my blood type A. Would I eat all the red meat he ate for his blood type O?
Not a chance, for when I do, I gain weight. Those with blood type A have low stomach acid, and it is more difficult to digest meats, and lectins are only 1 type of anti- nutrient.

Oxylates phytates saponins and other types of anti-nutrients are found in grains seeds and vegetables and affect each of us differently. As an example it's why type O can enjoy tomatoes and the other blood types cannot. A process called aglutination occurs. Cooking and fermenting foods or soaking nuts will help remove some of these anti- nutrients. I simply do not buy foods that contain them for my blood type and if I decide to have any it's only occasionally.

In D'Adamo's book you will find the science that supports how foods affect each blood type. Understanding our plants and vegetables contain these anti-nutrients I make wise choices in foods for type A and stay away from labeled AVOID foods for my blood type. 

I would recommend your reading up on anti nutrients and also blood type foods. I can only report on my results of having over 25 years of avoiding greens grains nuts seeds and vegetables with these anti-nutrients that are wrong for my blood type. 

Why I still adhere to this is because at 75 I continue to have no arthritic pain or need any medication. In that book you will read about how these lectins can and will cause a process called agglutination thus affecting the body.

So when I listened to Wally yesterday talk about his red meat carnivore diet I was thinking..I bet his blood type is O. I was right!

❤️ Norma Jean

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Exercise and Depression

 I considered  separate posts on each of the above topics but my goal since my 2024 update is to encourage my reader to be more active. In other words read then close the computer or phone and move your body.

Be more aware of what you SEE... more in what you are being TOLD. Then consider what stage your aging process is at. There are many well documented scientific facts on how aging affects the body.

For myself, I know I need more protein, and for me is a known fact that I have lost muscle mass with age. Do I worry now about weight gain as I did when younger? No. I make better dietary choices focusing on protein as I need a lot more protein with aging now yet have a decreased appetite.  

In the many different moves I stated in the updated 2024 post, I did not always lift weights. I always did some walking but not enough. Move. MOVE the body. This is probably the one statement that is the most important. The second is LIFT WEIGHTS. 

In the past I read and tried different dietary advice and chose so many different programs for exercise. Back then it was a period of so much being advised because of wanting to look a certain way.  Now I know better and make choices for an aging body. The surprising thing is with the choices I did make since becoming 50 I now get comments I look 20 years younger than my 75 years. 

The one comment I end any consultation with when recommending products is that what you put on the end of your fork is seen on your skin. Choose wisely.

It took me three years to be the competition lifter I now am. In the gym I lift weights with women over 80 years old. They began with 3 pound weights. It's important at our age to have a very competent trainer who watches the amount you lift and increases that weight as you progress.

I don't know what the years I have left will bring but I do know that is not only known to Jesus but is also up to me now more than ever. I will be more aware of what I SEE...obesity and disease that were once only attributed to the older population  are now seen in our children at younger ages. 

So now I question what I have been TOLD through many years. One being I don't need aggressive heart pounding exercise for 20 minutes or more as I once did. Not at this age and not for me. Try a great set of squats giving you strength and ability to get up from chairs or a good gym session of weight training. You will feel the heart pounding effects that not only strengthen the heart but avoid loss of muscle.

 Another very well known symptom of the aging process is depression. Exercise helps. Especially weight lifting!

God Bless and ❤️  Norma Jean


Thursday, October 10, 2024


As a first post since being silent for too many years the following I'd like to share with you. 

The family went through 5 moves in 4 states with job relocation. Though I was busy I quickly became aware that the moves would provide me more opportunities for education and experiences. That's what I did along with caring for family and many life changes.

Over those years I wrote a small book (His Foods) along with articles for a skin care publication (Dermascope). I taught in classes speaking to many about the importance of understanding our dietary choices and the effect on not only our daily lives when younger, but how those decisions impact us in our later years. Now at 75 I continue to have good health and 3 years ago returned back home where I am at the gym I joined over 45 years ago. More about this gym later. I only dabbled in various gym programs over my many moves and at times doing wery little of it. I did experience the dreaded menopausal weight gain which I no longer have.  I have become a power lifter and hold national titles for my age and weight group. We CAN hold on to good health as we age for our bodies strive to be healthier when we make even a few changes. I am now a skin care consultant and when I leave a customer with the education and importance of 3 products I always say one thing. What you choose to put into your body and on the end of your fork will show in the skin especially when older. I now focus my consulting business for women over 50 for we have way too many products we have bought over the years. Social media and advertising promising quick results often leave us disappointed and out of money we did not need to spend. I know how you feel for I tried a few of them too and you know what I did... I returned to what I knew worked with a focus on the SCIENCE of skin and body and a few products that do produce results.

I will post again soon. Many hugs and ❤️ Norma Jean