Thursday, December 27, 2007

Colloidal Silver

When I heard the news reports about a man who took colloidal silver for a skin condition and turned blue, I immediately felt a sense of despair over the set back that natural health would take with this news. Apparently this man has a skin condition and in one report he took the silver internally as well applying it topically to the skin. Colloidal silver will not cause such a reaction if one is taking it correctly. Research is the key. Too large a particle size of silver and possible contaminants in the product are probably what went wrong here. The body will rid itself of the silver along with the bacteria if used correctly. In fact colloidal silver was once the antibiotic of choice before prescriptive antibiotics came onto the scene.

Silver was used long ago as a preservative for keeping bacteria from spoiling foods and to this day the medical establishment knows its value in treatment of burns. As with anything, research and then research again, instead of fearing this wonderful natural antibiotic for ridding bacteria out of the body safely.

In our home colloidal silver is used during a crisis of sore throat or colds, used on cuts, used for just about anything that ails us including intestinal distress, because it is safe. I use the silver only during crisis and back off. I am acutely aware of symptoms in my family and in my animals (yes it can be used for pets) and I do not let a crisis get out of hand. No one would be able to convince me differently about this wonderful natural health remedy...not even the "blue man."


  1. That there is a new form of colloidal silver, that is Pure Colloidal Silver Atoms with 1.) the Highest PPM on the Planet 50 to 18000 PPM 2.) 100% Chemical Free guaranteed 3.) The smallest particle size in the world that ensure rapid penetration into viruses, bacteria, and parasites – i.e. atom particles tested by the worlds largest environmental testing facility that confirms the high PPM and the silver content. Not ionic – because ionic silver is very unstable but actual silver atoms suspended in the water molecules that do not need chemicals to help them stay suspended. Kindly visit out website www.gold2live before you decide to dismiss this wonderful product.
